17 Mar 2015

Spears Games

The James Bond 007 Secret Service Game by Spears Games

"Join James Bond in a thrilling fast-moving adventure which will keep you in suspense from the beginning to end for children from 9 onwards, for adults, for everyone 2-4 can play."

Made by J.W. Spears & Sons Ltd, Enfield, MIDDX. England
© 1965 Glidrose Productions Limited and EON Productions Limited


"In a laboratory situated on an island, scientits have found a formula for manufacturing a sensational new rocket fuel. You are one of two, three or four secret agents disguised as JAMES BOND who are eager to obtain it. Starting from LONDON, PEKING, CAIRO or NEW YORK and playing your card skilfully, you may rich the island first and obtain the brief case containing the secret documents. But wait! you have to bring it back to your starting point. Your oppnents may with foresight, skill and luck waylay you and seize the brief case, which may change hands several times. All players are kept in suspense until one of them has brought the brief case back safely to his base. He is the real James Bond and the winner of the game."


- 1 Playing board
- 1 Set of 72 cards
- 4 Boats
- 4 Cars
- 1 case containing the secret documents
- 4 "JAMES BOND" figures (each with the base of a different colour)

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